AppSignal Blog

AppSignal APM combines performance monitoring and error tracking in one clear interface. For Ruby (on Rails), Elixir and Node.js.

Find and Fix N+1 Queries in Django Using AppSignal

Find and Fix N+1 Queries in Django Using AppSignal

We'll track the N+1 query problem in a Django app and fix it using AppSignal.

By Nik Tomazic on

Server-sent Events and WebSockets in Rack for Ruby

Server-sent Events and WebSockets in Rack for Ruby

In the final part of our three-part series, we'll use server-sent events (SSEs) and WebSockets to establish a persistent connection in a Rack app.

By Ayush Newatia on

Unit Testing in Node.js With Jest

Unit Testing in Node.js With Jest

Jest has become one of the most popular solutions when unit testing in Node: let's see why.

By Antonello Zanini on

The Top 5 Sentry Alternatives

The Top 5 Sentry Alternatives

Let's compare Sentry to five competitors to help you find the best application performance monitoring solution.

By Connor James on

Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests

Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests

Let's examine several common false positive patterns that can crop up in Node.js test suites.

By Greg Gorlen on

Rack for Ruby: Socket Hijacking

Rack for Ruby: Socket Hijacking

Rack is the foundation for every popular Ruby web framework in existence. In part two of this three-part series, we'll run through socket hijacking.

By Ayush Newatia on

Manage Your Pino Logs with AppSignal

Manage Your Pino Logs with AppSignal

With support for Pino logs and Fastify V5, AppSignal lets you easily centralize and monitor logging data for faster application performance troubleshooting.

By Connor James on

Streamlined Contract Testing in Node.js: A Simple and Achievable Approach

Streamlined Contract Testing in Node.js: A Simple and Achievable Approach

Let's explore a simplified approach to contract testing that offers all the benefits with less work.

By Ashley Davis on

How to Track Errors in Oban for Elixir Using AppSignal

How to Track Errors in Oban for Elixir Using AppSignal

Let's learn what Oban is, how it works, and how to instrument it using AppSignal.

By Aestimo Kirina on

The Top 5 Honeybadger Alternatives in 2024

The Top 5 Honeybadger Alternatives in 2024

Let's compare Honeybadger to its top five competitors so you can determine which is the best choice for you.

By Connor James on

Advanced Open edX Monitoring with AppSignal for Python

Advanced Open edX Monitoring with AppSignal for Python

In this second part of a two-part series, we'll dive into the more advanced monitoring capabilities that AppSignal can offer our Open edX application.

By Amir Tadrisi on

Optimize Database Performance in Ruby on Rails and ActiveRecord

Optimize Database Performance in Ruby on Rails and ActiveRecord

Let's dive into some strategies to optimize database performance in Rails and ActiveRecord.

By Daniel Lempesis on

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AppSignal monitors your apps

AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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AppSignal monitors your apps