AppSignal Blog

AppSignal APM combines performance monitoring and error tracking in one clear interface. For Ruby (on Rails), Elixir and Node.js.

Grokking DynamoDB with TypeScript

Grokking DynamoDB with TypeScript

DynamoDB is the perfect choice for high-data applications that need low latency. Let's see how to model your data in DynamoDB based on your access patterns.

By Camilo Reyes on

What's Coming in Ruby on Rails 7.2: Database Features in Active Record

What's Coming in Ruby on Rails 7.2: Database Features in Active Record

Let's take a look at some noteworthy changes in Ruby on Rails 7.2, particularly in Active Record.

By Andrew Atkinson on

Enhancing Your Elixir Codebase with Gleam

Enhancing Your Elixir Codebase with Gleam

Let's look at the benefits of using Gleam and then add Gleam code to an Elixir project.

By Paweł Świątkowski on

An Introduction to Auth0 for Ruby on Rails

An Introduction to Auth0 for Ruby on Rails

This article will cover the setup and use of Auth0 in a Ruby on Rails application.

By Thomas Riboulet on

Exploring the Node.js Native Test Runner

Exploring the Node.js Native Test Runner

In the first part of this two-part series, we'll look at the main capabilities of the Node.js test runner.

By Damilola Olatunji on

Monitor the Performance of your Python FastAPI App with AppSignal

Monitor the Performance of your Python FastAPI App with AppSignal

Let's see how we can use AppSignal to monitor performance in a FastAPI application.

By Jan Giacomelli on

Track Errors in Phoenix for Elixir with AppSignal

Track Errors in Phoenix for Elixir with AppSignal

In the first part of this two-part series, we'll integrate AppSignal into an Elixir application and track errors.

By Aestimo Kirina on

Debugging in Ruby with Debug

Debugging in Ruby with Debug

We'll introduce the basics of the debug gem before diving into its more advanced features.

By Thomas Riboulet on

Security Best Practices for Your Node.js Application

Security Best Practices for Your Node.js Application

We'll explore common security threats and share best practices for preventing them in your Node.js application.

By Omonigho Kenneth Jimmy on

Deploy a Python FastAPI Application to Render

Deploy a Python FastAPI Application to Render

Let's create a FastAPI app and deploy it to Render.

By Daniel Easterman on

Leverage Concurrency Efficiently When Managing Multiple Tasks in Elixir

Leverage Concurrency Efficiently When Managing Multiple Tasks in Elixir

Let's run Task processes in Elixir, including `Task.async_stream/3`, to manage multiple tasks concurrently.

By Tracey Onim on

How to Perform Data Validation in Node.js

How to Perform Data Validation in Node.js

We'll see how data validation works in Node before implementing it in Express.

By Antonello Zanini on

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AppSignal monitors your apps

AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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AppSignal monitors your apps