Rails Community Survey 2024: AppSignal Ranks in Top 5
AppSignal has secured a top 5 spot in the 2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey. In this post, we'll take a look at our rankings and key development trends.
AppSignal APM combines performance monitoring and error tracking in one clear interface. For Ruby (on Rails), Elixir and Node.js.
AppSignal has secured a top 5 spot in the 2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey. In this post, we'll take a look at our rankings and key development trends.
We'll dive into how N+1 queries happen, their impact on performance, and some strategies to detect and fix them with AppSignal.
We've given our charts a major makeover and they're a lot easier to use.
Let's explore everything that Rails 8 has to offer.
Let's see how we can use AppSignal to monitor and improve performance in an Open edX application.
We'll set up feature flags in a Solidus storefront using Flipper and AppSignal's custom metrics.
See how AppSignal Check-ins make it easy to monitor your scheduled jobs and continuous processes.
DynamoDB is a powerful tool when it comes to single-table design — let's see how.
Let's see how Sorbet addresses the challenges of dynamic typing in Ruby.
Let's set up monitoring and error reporting for a Phoenix application using AppSignal.
Rails partials have been around for years, but now strict locals have entered the scene to make things easier for us.
Let's check out 5 major HTTP libraries we can use for Node.js and dive into their strengths and weaknesses.
AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!