
Gem 2.3 - ActionCable!

Tom de Bruijn

Tom de Bruijn on

Gem 2.3 - ActionCable!

We just released AppSignal for Ruby gem version 2.3 which adds support for ActionCable, parameter filtering for background jobs and contains a lot of other improvements.


The AppSignal gem now supports ActionCable, a new feature available in Rails 5.0. Our integration supports error tracking and performance monitoring for actions and subscription events.

When a client connects or disconnects from a ActionCable connection or when an action is performed AppSignal will track these events. All ActionCable metrics will be grouped under the custom "ActionCable" namespace, a feature we introduced in Gem 2.2.

This is a first version of the ActionCable integration and we hope to improve it with your feedback. So please let us know what you're missing and if something is not working as expected.

Parameter filtering for background jobs

We've always supported parameter filtering for HTTP requests to avoid sending sensitive data to our servers. This filtering is now also available for background jobs.

Usually arguments to a background job are an identifier for an object in the database that the job will fetch from the database itself. This means no sensitive data would normally be registered.

However, we've seen more and more types of data being used for background job arguments that we've expanded support for parameter filtering to background jobs as well.

From now on we will automatically apply any filtering to the arguments of background job libraries. See our docs more information about how to use the parameter filtering.

More updates

In this release we've also fixed some smaller issues:

  • Improve display of background job arguments. PR #280
  • Remove thread_safe dependency. PR #294
  • Complete ActiveSupport notifications events when encountering a throw or a raise. PR #310
  • Use a job's start time for queue start time in the Delayed Job integration. PR #297
  • Fix Shoryuken instrumentation when the job body is a string. PR #266
  • Truncate lengthy values in parameters and metadata to avoid sending large blobs of data.
  • Add ignore namespaces configuration option. Ignore actions from entire namespaces with this option. Read more about namespaces. PR #312
  • Appsignal.set_error and Appsignal.send_error now have the same method arguments. PR #317
  • Graceful fallbacks on Microsoft Windows. This does not mean that we support Microsoft Windows, just that you won't get errors when running AppSignal in your application. PR #313

Please see the changelog for more details about these improvements, deprecations and other changes. And as always: get in touch if you encounter problems after upgrading. We're happy to help!

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Tom de Bruijn

Tom de Bruijn

Tom is a developer at AppSignal, organizer, and writer from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

All articles by Tom de Bruijn

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