
Launching JavaScript Error Tracking v1.0.


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Launching JavaScript Error Tracking v1.0.

Good news, everyone! 🎉

Today, we're proud to announce the launch of our fully-fledged JavaScript error tracking for your front-end applications. From today, you’ll have even more complete insights into your Ruby and Elixir apps — your back-end errors, performance metrics, host metrics, custom metrics and your front-end errors can now all come together under a single interface.

All the tooling you have set up in AppSignal will also work for JavaScript errors. You can set up alerts in Slack, PagerDuty, email or any of our other supported integrations. Find out in which deploy an error first happened, configure triggers for Anomaly Detection, or send front-end errors to your issue tracker of choice.

Errors appear in the frontend namespace, right along with the other namespaces for your Ruby and Elixir apps.

Front-end errors can be quirky. Getting as much context on what happened as possible is helpful in debugging. This is why we built breadcrumbs, where you can track events in your user's browser leading up to the exception.

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Try it with your favorite framework

We built our JavaScript error tracking and have been using it ourselves on for a few months already. We think you’ll love it!

If you use a supported front-end framework, we have integrations for those too:

Getting it running

Install the npm package, and with just a little configuration, you’re good to go! All you need to get started is your Front-end error monitoring key. Find your API key in the "Push and deploy" section of your App settings page, and install the integration.

We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback, and are standing by to help you when needed. Shibboleet by default, as always.

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AppSignal monitors your apps

AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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AppSignal monitors your apps