
Introducing Graph Toggles

Wes Oudshoorn

Wes Oudshoorn on

Introducing Graph Toggles

Tadaaa! A graph toggle!

We shipped some small product updates today. The graph toggle is a small update with a large visual impact. Our beautiful wide-screen graphs are now viewable in two columns.

Other updates

  • The active sample in the sample list is now a bright blue.
  • The deploy marker on the exception sample page now also includes the year.
  • The Event tree "show event" link is now visible after expanding an event, to avoid missclicks.

Happy clicking! Be sure to send us your questions and requests so we can keep making you even happier 😍

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Wes Oudshoorn

Wes Oudshoorn

Once a rogue designer, now co-founder and manager of colors at AppSignal. If our app looks great, it's to his credit. If something is wrong, he points at developers. Loves skiing.

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