
Designing AppSignal

Wes Oudshoorn

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The very first version of the AppSignal design consisted of some Twitter Bootstrap elements, patched together with duct tape. Both bootstrap frameworks and duct tape are very useful, but will not provide trust for users. We have come a long way in our quest to get AppSignal to be useful and beautiful.

Data business

We realise that we're in the data business, but information is your business. Naturally, our goal is the optimal transformation from data to information. We're constantly taking steps towards this goal.

Today, we shipped a new version of AppSignal. Apart from some small design improvements, there is a difference that you will notice immediately. We have added small bars to the values in our tables and made all tables sortable.



It can be hard to find relevant information in a table. The new bars will help you to scan the rows without reading all the data. The bar for the largest value in a column is 100%, with the other bar-widths calculated in proportion to this data. This change gives AppSignal a whole new feeling.

Sortable tables

It's nice to have some control over the interface. By default, we sort all tables by what we think is most useful. But now you're in the driver's seat. You'll be able to sort the tables the way you want.

More to come

We're working on more design improvements, all focussed on making it easier for you to find useful information. We're close to shipping a new version of our graphs throughout the application with an improved design and interaction.

Wondering what you can do next?

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Wes Oudshoorn

Wes Oudshoorn

Once a rogue designer, now co-founder and manager of colors at AppSignal. If our app looks great, it's to his credit. If something is wrong, he points at developers. Loves skiing.

All articles by Wes Oudshoorn

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AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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