Configuration has long been a hot topic in the Elixir community, and luckily, in the recent months, there has been a
great deal of thoughtful work put into making this problem an easier one to solve. Today, we're going to show you how to migrate from an Elixir application that has been configured
with the widely used config/*.exs
files at compile-time, to an application that instead uses
environment variables for configuration and is configured at runtime.
But, before we get into the details of some of the recent and upcoming changes happening in this area, let's just go over some of the historical problems that came from the way Elixir applications were configured in the past.
What's Wrong with config.exs
Well, for some applications, nothing. But there is an increasing number of teams that have encountered issues around the configuration of their applications as they become larger, and especially, as their deployment strategy changes. As someone who has spent the majority of the last 4 years as a freelancer working on several different Elixir applications, I can say that I've personally seen issues on every project I've worked on in that time, except for one (and that one was a greenfield project that was designed to be configured in the way we'll be discussing today). Some of the most common configuration related issues that the community has been seeing are:
Confusing Runtime vs. Compile-time Configuration
If you are compiling and deploying OTP releases
for your application, I have a suspicion that you've run into at least one case where you were
confused by an environment variable shown as "missing" in production even though you were
sure it had been set. The code around this might have looked something like this (in
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo, url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL")
You might have found that it worked just fine locally and in your CI environment, but for some reason, not in
production. Very confusing! This is because the System.get_env/1
there is evaluated
at compile time and not at runtime! If the correct environment variable isn't set for your
production database url in whichever environment your release is compiled, then the configuration
for your application will be incorrect.
What we really want is for this environment variable to be evaluated at runtime, instead of at compile-time, in whichever environment it is running.
Compiled Releases Cannot Be Used in Different Environments
As noted above, the System.get_env/1
call is evaluated at compile time. This means that if
we have a staging environment that our application is deployed to for testing before
deployment to production, we'll need to compile a separate OTP release for production. It is
far safer to be able to deploy the same build artifact that's been tested on staging, directly to
production as this limits your ability to have differences between these two environments and
reduces the likelihood of bugs stemming from build or configuration issues.
Configuring Multiple Instances of an (OTP) Application
If your application depends on an OTP application that uses an application configuration for its
behavior, this essentially limits your ability to use it to only a single version. For example,
imagine we have an API client and we need to configure an API key for that client. That library
might get that API key by calling Application.get_env(:api_client, :api_key)
. Now, imagine that
you need to handle more than one API key? This would be basically impossible, since setting the
"correct" API key before calling some function in the library is too dangerous to rely on in a
highly parallel runtime like the BEAM!
Difficulties Using Non config.exs
Files for Configuration
There are different types of ways to configure an application—especially relating to
configuration and management of sensitive or secret values—and in the past, using something like
HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager or some other configuration management tool was rather
difficult and unintuitive to use. There was a lot of work involved to make this stuff function at all, but
it relied on disparate, loosely-enforced conventions like the REPLACE_OS_VARS
setting in
or the {:system, "ENV_VAR"}
solution as a signal to libraries that "this
environment variable should be evaluated at runtime instead of compile time."
Recent and Upcoming Changes to Application Configuration
As I mentioned above, the problem of configuration is one that has been worked on quite frequently
over the last year or so. We've seen the inclusion of mix release
and the Config
and Config.Reader
modules in Elixir 1.9, and in Elixir 1.10 we saw the
addition of the Application.compile_env/3
function that makes it crystal clear that any
configuration retrieved from there was set at compile-time and cannot be changed. These have all
been great changes!
Coming, sometime in the future, will be the deprecation of using Application.get_env/3
compile-time altogether, which will make it even easier to avoid incorrectly using runtime
configuration by accident. But, I think most importantly, we've also seen the release of several
libraries that have made the distinction between runtime and compile-time configuration
clearer, including the tool we'll look at today—vapor
We can see that at the root of many of these problems is the need to cleanly and clearly separate
runtime from compile-time configuration. In addition to this, there is some work for libraries and
applications to do to change some of their APIs so that they rely less on application configuration and more
on arguments to functions when configuring an OTP application. A great example of the kind of
change that I'm talking about here is the
callbacks that have been added to Ecto
and Phoenix.Endpoint. These make it trivially easy to configure these parts of your application
almost entirely at runtime!
Getting Started With vapor
And so today, we're going to look at how one might get started with vapor
and how we can
make changes over time to migrate to configuring an application in a safe, consistent,
and reliable way that will last well into the future. The first step, of course, is adding
as a dependency in mix.exs
by adding {:vapor, "~> 0.8.0"}
to your deps()
has a lot of functionality, and what I'm going to show today is just one way of using
it, but I find it to be a nice, easy migration, and so it's what I like to recommend.
So, now that we've added vapor
as a dependency, we need to start using it! We add vapor
to our
function in our application like so:
defmodule VaporExample.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do Vapor.load!([%Vapor.Provider.Dotenv{}]) children = [ VaporExampleWeb.Endpoint, VaporExample.Repo ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: VaporExample.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end
has a great feature that allows it to read from a .env
or .env.test
file, and from
that, it populates the system environment for you at runtime. It does nothing if those files
don't exist, so it's totally safe to start with that for now. But, we don't want to stop
there—we're going to make one more small change before we're done with our first step.
In config/config.exs
let's imagine that we had the following configuration for our
module (which is our Phoenix Endpoint) to set the port for our Endpoint to
config :vapor_example, VaporExample.Endpoint, http: [port: 4000]
This is currently configured at compile-time, but there's absolutely no reason it can't be done
at runtime instead. So let's do that! First, we'll delete that http: [port: 4000]
line, then
we'll add PORT=4000
to the .env
file I spoke about earlier to automatically set that
environment variable in our application, and then we'll add a new function to
called load_system_env/0
. This function's job will be
taking environment variables and putting them in application configuration, and this is done once,
when we start the application.
defmodule VaporExample.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do Vapor.load!([%Vapor.Provider.Dotenv{}]) load_system_env() children = [ VaporExampleWeb.Endpoint, VaporExample.Repo ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: VaporExample.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end defp load_system_env() do port = case System.get_env("PORT") do nil -> raise("Environment variable PORT must be set") value -> String.to_integer(value) end Application.put_env(:vapor_example, VaporExample.Endpoint, http: [port: port]) end end
Now, whether you're starting your application with mix
or as a release
, in dev
, test
, the behavior of configuring the port for your Endpoint to listen to will always be the
same! The above implementation also ensures that our application doesn't start if it's not
configured correctly, which keeps us from running a partially (but maybe subtly) broken
application. This is a huge benefit, and really shows us that the rule for configuring an Elixir
application should really be "if it can be set at runtime, it should be set at runtime."
But wait, there's more! We see that we're kind of doing a lot just to turn one environment
variable into the application environment in our load_system_env/0
function. Luckily, vapor
make that easier for us! Besides being able to populate our system environment from a .env
it can also declare bindings to that system environment to handle much of the work we did in
for us! So, we can change that function to look like this:
defmodule VaporExample.Application do use Application # ... defp load_system_env() do providers = %Vapor.Provider.Env{bindings: [ {:port, "PORT", map: &String.to_integer/1} ]} config = Vapor.Provider.load!(providers) Application.put_env(:vapor_example, VaporExample.Endpoint, http: [port: config.port]) end end
This will do the same thing as our previous implementation—converting the string "4000"
to the
integer 4000
and returning an error if the variable isn't set, so that we can raise an exception—but
does so with a nice, consistent API.
Now, with these basics in place, you can start moving over compile-time configuration to runtime
easily! After everything that can be set at runtime is set at runtime, you could then move on to
trying to reduce the use of the application environment altogether and use things like the
callback in your Endpoint
and Repo
, and find other places where a dependency
on the application environment can be replaced by passing arguments to functions instead.
Moving over to this style of configuration will ensure that your Elixir applications are configured correctly well into the future, and should hopefully also make for a more consistent and clear configuration experience for your whole team.
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Devon Estes
Guest author Devon is a senior Elixir engineer currently working at Sketch. He is also a writer and international conference speaker. As a committed supporter of open-source software, he maintains Benchee and the Elixir track on Exercism, and frequently contributes to Elixir.
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