
Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement Now Available On All AppSignal Plans

Connor James

Connor James on

Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement Now Available On All AppSignal Plans

We recently announced AppSignal Business Add-Ons, our alternative to pricy enterprise plans. The add-ons offered HIPAA BAA, Long-Term Log Storage, and Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement for an additional fee.

However, after listening to feedback from our customers, we decided that Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement is a core feature that should be available to all organizations on all plans for free.

Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement, Explained

AppSignal already offers Two-Factor Authentication as a security feature for users.

However, with Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement, you can ensure that all of your organization's team members keep their AppSignal accounts secure by having 2FA as a requirement.

You can enable Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement in your organization's Members settings screen:

Screen showing Members setting page where 2FA Enforcement can be enabled

Once activated, organization members, depending on whether they're new or existing, have a 3-7 day grace period to enable Two-Factor Authentication.

After activation, AppSignal handles the communication with your team members for you. We'll automatically email organization members to inform them of the change and display a banner at the top of AppSignal nudging them to enable 2FA:

Screen showing banner asking users to enable 2FA

If users fail to enable Two-Factor Authentication within this timeframe, they will be locked out of the organization until it's enabled:

Screen requiring organization member to enable Two-Factor Authentication

It's as simple as that! In a matter of clicks, you can ensure your organization's members keep their AppSignal accounts safe and secure.

Read more about setting up Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement in our docs.

Your Security Is Our Priority

Two-factor Authentication is just one of many features we've invested in to keep your accounts and data safe and sound from bad actors. AppSignal is:

  • HIPAA Compliant
  • GDPR Compliant
  • ISO 27001 certified

You can also sign a Data Processing Agreement digitally via your AppSignal account.

Learn more about AppSignal's security commitments on our security page.

AppSignal, Putting The Awesome In APM

At AppSignal we strive to be awesome in everything we do. That's why we're the only APM to offer:

With our installation wizard, you can start a free trial and have AppSignal up and running in less time than it takes to drink a coffee.

Curious about business add-ons or how our APM can help you enhance your app's performance? Feel free to drop us a line. We're always happy to help!

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Connor James

Connor James

Official technical writer at AppSignal. Podcast addict who loves cannoli so much that he's considering changing his name to Connoli. He thinks there's a `u` in color. You might find him on the mic, on the stage, or lying on the sofa when he's off Documentation Duty.

All articles by Connor James

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