
Introducing area charts for custom dashboards.

Robert Beekman

Robert Beekman on

Introducing area charts for custom dashboards.

Today we're making area and relative area graphs available for our dashboards to help you display data in new ways.

If you've visited the "performance graphs" page for your app on, you have seen the "event graphs". These graphs depict event durations such as Database calls and HTTP requests.

Area charts

Starting today we're making available the display key in our dashboard YAML syntax, allowing you to display (custom) metrics as area charts.


The display option accepts three values:

  • LINE for line charts. (This is the default value.)
  • AREA for area charts.
  • AREA_RELATIVE for relative area charts.

In the dashboard YAML it would look like this:

title: Event details graphs: - title: Received/transmitted LINE display: LINE format: number metrics: - name: event_details_received fields: - COUNTER - name: event_details_emitted fields: - COUNTER - title: Received/transmitted AREA display: AREA format: number metrics: - name: event_details_received fields: - COUNTER - name: event_details_emitted fields: - COUNTER - title: Received/transmitted AREA_RELATIVE display: AREA_RELATIVE format: percent metrics: - name: event_details_received fields: - COUNTER - name: event_details_emitted fields: - COUNTER

This dashboard YAML would generate the following charts for these metrics:

Area charts

Use cases

The AREA_RELATIVE is a convenient way to compare values over time against each other. In the three graphs above you can see in the LINE and AREA charts that the values of both measurements has increased a lot over time. But it's hard to see how the values compare against each other.

The AREA_RELATIVE display option converts the values to a percentage and shows that while the value of both measurements has increased, but relative to each other they have stayed the same.

Area chart relative

You can now take an existing graph and edit it (by clicking the edit button on the right top of a page with graphs) and change a graph type by changing the display field for that graph in the YAML. You can read more about these graphs and how to use them in custom dashboards on our documentation page.

Let us know how you're using area and relative area charts to display data from your app!

Robert Beekman

Robert Beekman

As a co-founder, Robert wrote our very first commit. He's also our support role-model and knows all about the tiny details in code. Travels and photographs (at the same time).

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