
AppSignal's 2024 Ruby Event Sponsorships

Connor James

Connor James on

AppSignal's 2024 Ruby Event Sponsorships

This post was updated on April 8 with new event sponsorships.

At AppSignal, we've always been heavily invested in the developer community, especially the Ruby scene, since most of the team comes from a Ruby or Rails background.

It was great meeting so many of you at Rails World 2023. While we can't personally attend every conference, we're happy to announce we're sponsoring seventeen Ruby events (and sending stroopwafels to one event on top of that) this year! That's eighteen chances to get your hands on some AppSignal swag and stroopwafels.

Rails World 2023 Sponsors Lounge

Read on to see which AppSignal-sponsored Ruby events are happening in your region (and our Rails World 2023 Sjoelen competition results).

We're sponsoring the following fifteen Ruby meetups and conferences globally (and sending stroopwafels to Las Vegas for Sin City Ruby on March 21):

Tropical.rbApril 4-5São Paulo, Brazil
Wroclove.rbApril 12-14Wroclaw, Poland
Balkan RubyApril 26-27Sofia, Bulgaria
RailsConfMay 7-9Detroit, US
Helvetic RubyMay 17Zurich, Switzerland
Blue Ridge RubyMay 30-31Asheville, US
RubyDayMay 31Verona, Italy
Ruby UnconfJune 8-9Hamburg, Germany
Baltic RubyJune 13-15Malmö, Sweden
Brighton RubyJune 28Brighton, UK
Red Dot Ruby ConferenceJuly 25-26Singapore
RubyConf AfricaJuly 26-27Nairobi, Kenya
Madison+ RubyAugust 1-2Madison, US
Rails Camp WestAugust 27-30Cascade, US
EuRuKoSeptember 11-13Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Friendly.rbSeptember 18-19Bucharest, Romania
Rails WorldSeptember 26-27Toronto, Canada

We also sponsored the Ruby Warsaw Community Conference on February 2.

Rails World 2023 Sjoelen Winners

Last year, we were the proud sponsor of the first-ever Rails World. As well as sharing our awesome swag and freshly baked stroopwafels with attendees, we hosted the first Rails World Sjoelen Championship.

We offered the winners a year's supply of stroopwafels or a €200 donation to an open-source project of their choice.

Rails World 2023 Sponsors Lounge
Read @yarotheslav's original post on X (formerly Twitter)

As a result, thanks to the generosity of our winners, we're proud to announce we've donated a total of €600 to the following causes:

  • Neovim - A Vim-based text editor.
  • Lucian Ghinda - For his work on the Short Ruby Newsletter.
  • Bridgetown - A Ruby-based progressive site generator and full-stack framework.
  • Chatwoot - An open-source, self-hosted customer engagement suite.

Speaking of Sjoelen...

They may not have topped our leaderboard, but our Rails World conference neighbors and customer, ViaEurope, took Sjoelen more seriously than the Dutch national team.

Their dedication to the game impressed us so much we decided to send them their very own Sjoelen board:

Sjolen board and Stroopwafels from AppSignal

AppSignal, The Rubyist's APM

Ruby developers don't just love AppSignal because we provide them with stroopwafels to snack on at conferences. They also love us because of our:

  • Intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Simple and predictable pricing.
  • Friendly developer-to-developer support.

New to AppSignal? With our installation wizard, we can have you up and monitoring within minutes. We'll even send you free delicious stroopwafels once you start sending us your app's metrics.

Simply start a free trial and join the thousands of Rubyists relying on AppSignal to monitor and enhance their code today!

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Connor James

Connor James

Official technical writer at AppSignal. Podcast addict who loves cannoli so much that he's considering changing his name to Connoli. He thinks there's a `u` in color. You might find him on the mic, on the stage, or lying on the sofa when he's off Documentation Duty.

All articles by Connor James

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AppSignal monitors your apps

AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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