
Gem 2.1 released - Alpine Linux support!

Tom de Bruijn

Tom de Bruijn on

Gem 2.1 released - Alpine Linux support!

We just released appsignal gem version 2.1 which adds support for Alpine Linux and other musl-based systems.

Alpine Linux support

With the rise of Docker we've noticed quite a few of our customers were using the smallest available Docker images, which were usually Alpine Linux based.

The AppSignal gem uses a C-extension written in Rust to speed up the gem and make a lot of code reusable for implementations in other languages, such as Elixir.

Alpine Linux uses a different C standard library implementation called "musl". Due to a compilation issue in Rust for our extension we couldn't support it for a while.

Recently the Rust team released a new version that allows us to compile our agent with support for musl and thus Alpine Linux. Many thanks from the AppSignal team!

For our AppSignal for Elixir customers: Our Elixir integration uses the same agent, and support for Alpine Linux was added in version 0.11 of the Elixir package.


We've deprecated two methods: Appsignal.is_ignored_action? and Appsignal.is_ignored_error?. These two methods will be removed in AppSignal Ruby gem version 3. There is no replacement for these methods. The logic has been moved to our agent.

Please see the changelog for more details about these improvements, deprecations and more. And as always: get in touch if you encounter problems after upgrading. We're happy to help!

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Tom de Bruijn

Tom de Bruijn

Tom is a developer at AppSignal, organizer, and writer from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

All articles by Tom de Bruijn

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