
AppSignal for Node.js 3.0 Introduces OpenTelemetry Support

Connor James

Connor James on

AppSignal for Node.js 3.0 Introduces OpenTelemetry Support

After a period of beta testing, we're happy to announce the launch of our latest AppSignal for Node.js package. This package features six new integrations and uses the OpenTelemetry framework for reliable telemetry data collection.

OpenTelemetry is an open standard that facilitates the instrumentation of standardized telemetry data collection. AppSignal is committed to using OpenTelemetry in new integrations, and our Node.js integration is the first to use the standard.

This blog post will walk you through:

  • The fundamental changes we've made to our Node.js integration
  • How you can get started with AppSignal in your Node.js projects
  • What to expect if you're an existing AppSignal customer upgrading to our latest package

What's New in Node.js 3.0?

The most significant change to Node.js is its expanded integration support for many popular Node.js frameworks and libraries, with AppSignal support now extended to fourteen integrations:

  • FastifyNEW
  • fs moduleNEW
  • GraphQL (Apollo, Yoga)NEW
  • Knex (Bookshelf)NEW
  • MongooseNEW
  • PrismaNEW
  • Express
  • HTTP/HTTPs module
  • Koa.js
  • MySQL
  • Nest.js
  • Next.js
  • Node.js Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

In 3.0, all integrations are automatically instrumented, allowing you to configure your AppSignal integration more efficiently than ever before. We are working on expanding this list further in future updates.

The below screenshot shows the event timeline featuring events from the newly supported Prisma and Fastify integrations. Here you can see a clear breakdown of the different events happening within an HTTP request and their impact on the application's performance.

Screenshot of Sample Breakdown and Event Timeline

How to Get Started

If your Node.js application doesn't yet have the AppSignal package installed, all you need to do is create an AppSignal account (if you don't have one already) and get started by running our handy installation tool:

npx @appsignal/cli install

In our Node.js 3.0 documentation, you can read the installation steps, including information on how to install our Node.js package manually.

If you are using an older version of our Node.js package, you must follow some additional steps to migrate to 3.0 successfully. To help you upgrade, we've created a migration guide.

Wrap Up

Our new 3.0 release signals an exciting upgrade for existing and new Node.js customers and a significant improvement on previous versions of our Node.js package.

This release also represents the start of AppSignal's broader commitment to adopting OpenTelemetry. Please refer to our documentation for more information on our Node.js integration and all of our other integrations.

If you've any questions related to this article or AppSignal, please don't hesitate to get in touch! Remember, if you're new to AppSignal, we'd love to welcome you onboard with a delicious shipment of stroopwafels 🍪 😋

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Connor James

Connor James

Official technical writer at AppSignal. Podcast addict who loves cannoli so much that he's considering changing his name to Connoli. He thinks there's a `u` in color. You might find him on the mic, on the stage, or lying on the sofa when he's off Documentation Duty.

All articles by Connor James

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AppSignal provides insights for Ruby, Rails, Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, Express and many other frameworks and libraries. We are located in beautiful Amsterdam. We love stroopwafels. If you do too, let us know. We might send you some!

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